Sunday, April 14, 2013

Still Alive!

I'm still alive. I'm still knitting, still spinning. I'm still thinking about buying a spinning wheel, strongly considering this one actually. I'm taking my car to get inspected this week. We'll see how it goes before any decisions are made. Since I created this blog, there have been over a thousand views, which is pretty mind blowing to little ol' me. Having scoured the web for good knitting/spinning blogs that are updated with regularity, I know that there's a dearth of them. I'll see what I can do about keeping this one a bit more up to date. I'm still spinning on the drop spindle I purchased two years ago. My etsy shop was a bust, although if I get a wheel, I'll probably try again. Right now I'm spinning up some yarn that I dyed to sell. I love it! I'm still in love with color. I've got plans to ply the purple and blue together and gift it to a friend who is interested in learning to knit. I figure some hand spun, a set of nice bamboo needles, and a copy of Stitch and Bitch should be enough inspiration for her.

I'm slightly concerned because I've only ever plied once before.  It was, I think, some Jacob that I got at the Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival in 2011.  This is how it came out and I like it well enough, but I worry that the ply wouldn't be tight enough for a new knitter.  Final decisions, of course, won't be made until the new batch is finished.

Life's not just spinning wool though; I'm also knitting still.  I've got two WIPs at the moment, an Aran sweater that might never come to fruition (I did loads of sweaters a couple of winters ago including an Aran, but this one just doesn't want to come to life!) and a plain pair of socks.  The socks are going to be brilliant.  They're totally boring anklets knit from Patons Kroy FX yarn to be worn with my Birkenstock clogs during warm weather.  I love wool year round and can't get enough wool socks!

Cross your fingers that I don't get second sock syndrom!

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